
Modelling a rope or a chain

Started by May 09, 2000 11:50 AM
3 comments, last by Tha_HoodRat 24 years, 4 months ago
Hey guys / gals , I am realistically trying to model a rope. I am gonna be making a platform game , staring my favourate super hero , spiderman . I got the web slinging physics and the wall crawling down , what I need now is to model a rope. I am thinking particle system , but I have never seen a demo , tutorial or any source implementing a rope , or a chain for that matter , any suggestions links tutes . ..Trying to take me outta the Ghetto , but I'm still buck wild . So I'll hustle up wit em , knuckle up wit em hoody hooo..............
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
Is this for 3D?

I don''t know anything about this area of subject, but I have an idea. Build the rope from cylinders with height of Y, so for an example, if you have 1 meter rope, and you want to have pretty much detail, divide that rope to 10 pieces, and make each piece to joint from each other...
Like this: ======O=======O======O======O=======O

Now, just with some physics, make this rope to bend from each joint... I hope this helps (even tough I don''t have any idea what I''m talking about


Check on, they recently had an article in Game Developer covering pigtail simulation, very close to simulating a rope.
quote: I don''t know anything about this area of subject, but I have an idea. Build the rope from cylinders with height of Y, so for an example, if you have 1 meter rope, and you want to have pretty much detail, divide that rope to 10 pieces, and make each piece to joint from each other...
Like this: ======O=======O======O======O=======O

Now, just with some physics, make this rope to bend from each joint... I hope this helps (even tough I don''t have any idea what I''m talking about

The game is a 2d platform . The problem with the above solution is simulating the elasticity of the rope , remember it has a weight at the end (Spidey) see the snes game Spidey and Xmen , the revenge.

..Trying to take me outta the Ghetto , but I'm still buck wild . So I'll hustle up wit em , knuckle up wit em hoody hooo..............
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
You could try bezier curves for the actual physics. I don''t know about graphics.

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