
HELP!!! C++ question....

Started by May 08, 2000 06:52 AM
0 comments, last by Simon Mallett 24 years, 4 months ago
Can someone help??? I have been programming in C/C++ a while and recently wanted to move onto Windows... Is it me or does windows programming look like a bunch of jibberish??? Does anyone know how to make this transition?? I have bought books (IE: ''VC++ online in web time'') but this doesnt seem to give me any help on coding in windows.. HELP?
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I''m a C++ newbie and I''ve tried some Win32 programming (with some success) and what I''ve found is that previous experience in Windows and programming is a good merit (since you need to know how Windows messaging system works) and that MFC is built in a totally different way (in my mind in a worse one).

I suggest you try out some tutorials on Win32 programming at, they help alot.

Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design
"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown
============================Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown

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