
NEW project

Started by April 30, 2000 11:54 AM
1 comment, last by lionheart 24 years, 4 months ago
hi i have a project i need some people to help me with i need someone that can make a server program and someone to make the sprites its for a 1st person online game if u r intrested message me Ill_Be_here
i think u should move this to the "help wanted" section

and u better explain about your game a bit. i might be interested to help. but i''m not gonna do too much since i''m busy with my own project

- pouya
lionheart- listen to pouya, this best belongs to the Help Wanted section. When you move it there, be sure to make a way better description of the project- the one that you posted above is lousy.

3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!

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