
diablo was it really just for next item

Started by April 29, 2000 08:02 PM
3 comments, last by DarkOne 24 years, 4 months ago
When I first played Diablo I found it to be new, but after some time I found myself playing it to find a better item or weapon not for fun of the game-play. How I saw the game-play was move the mouse cursor over the target and once the target is in attacking range keep hitting the mouse button until the target falls down or explodes. I am not saying that you could just do as I explained, there is a little strategy in how to approach engaging enemies. I just found the game- play to be very repetitive. I would like to hear from people, if they played Diablo for the game-play or for finding the next item or weapon. I do have an idea for increasing the game-play enjoyment without losing the appeal of the game.
I had a very concise strategy to Diablo:

1) Into dungeon...loot and pillage.
2) Come back up, sort things out and keep only the finest merchandise.
3) Go back down, whoop some ass and find better stuff.
4) Keep repeating until Diablo is finished.

4 steps... I guess you could call that repetative but Diablo was really revolutionary when it came out and I found it to be a lot of fun despite its repetitiveness. To me, lots of action games are nothing but the same stuff over and over...but if it''s a good formula to begin with, hopefully the game will keep you entertained.

Atypical Interactive
------------------------------Changing the future of adventure gaming...Atypical Interactive
Sometimes a little mindless button clicking hack/slash is just what ya need.

Where does the Landfish live? Everywhere. Is not the Landfish the Buddha?
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
diablo was my favorite game
i liked every part of it
two things I didn''t like:
1) why only 3 classes it''s ok but MORE IS GOOD !)
B) In the add on why did they hide two of the ne classes ??

I have always been lost!
Sentence you never want to here: Is it ok to eat the fuzzy stuff in your belly button?

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