
Reply numbers incorrectly?

Started by April 24, 2000 03:06 PM
7 comments, last by Arjan 24 years, 4 months ago
I was browsing through some threads and noticed that the number of replies isn''t displayed correctly in the thread-list. For example, the TOMB-RAIDER thread is three pages long, but the list says there are only 10 replies. Is this a bug in software or do I have to update my software (W98&IE5.0)? Thanx -my 2 cents-
--------------------------Programmers don't byte, they nibble a bit. Unknown Person-------------------------
they said it''s bug, but there is a guy who will solve this, I hope....

Charlie McSow /Paradigm Game Design

CharlieGame DesignerRarebyte
I don''t know why, but is verrry slow at catching the bugs. Did you know you can still reply to a closed post? And it seems impossible to delete them! I worry that whoever controls does absolutely nothing (except play games?).
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away"--Henry David Thoreau
Actually, to address these concerns...there have been some internal issues that needed to be resolved. These bugs, to my knowledge, are really now being worked on. We have a list.

In regards to us doing absolutely nothing...some of us work on this website anywhere from 4-8 hours per day. I in particular don''t appreciate it when people say we do nothing. I think my previous paragraph should clarify any other concerns regarding the board.


Admin for

I agree with kevin (khawk), i can sometimes see that they''re pending too much time for this website. the message board is not the only part of the website and there are a hell lotta other things that they should work on.

btw a question for kevin: how much money do u make from this website?

- pouya
I cannot disclose details on that as it''s pretty standard not to, but I''ll say a pretty close estimate is a couple cents a day.


Admin for

seriously? so it''s not really worth it to put up a site like this?

- pouya
Whether or not it''s worth it depends on what you''re in it for. In our case, money has nothing to do with it. We all enjoy being able to help people, and be actively involved in the game development community.

Although the financial affairs of GDNet are no one''s business but ours, I will say that it is our objective to make a profit from the site, and we have the means to do so. Right now, everyone working on this site is employeed elsewhere; we do this in our free time, what little of it there is. Eventually, some of us will be able to do this for a living, which will benefit everyone because we''ll be able to produce more content more consistently and give you all the features you want.

BTW, anyone who thinks that running a web site is easy money is dead wrong. We all bust our asses doing this, and I have personally sacrificed countless hours that could have been spent on school, work, or, most importantly, my family. So, like Kevin, statements such as "I worry that whoever controls does absolutely nothing (except play games?)" piss me off to no end. Fortunately, there are more than enough messages/e-mails from people who appreciate what we do to counter that.
heh, i appreciate what you do here too, don''t worry, that guy didn''t know what he was talking about

- pouya

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