
SpriteLib contest

Started by April 23, 2000 08:39 PM
90 comments, last by SeanHowe 24 years, 4 months ago
Just curious, is anyone else planning on entering the SpriteLib contest?(only 7 days left) The reason I ask is that I had thought more ppl had said on the IRC chat that they were going to enter than the 5 entries that there are right now. Bunnies At War - A new wave in bunnydom!
What''s the SpriteLib contest??

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I''m planning on entering I just haven''t had alot of time to put together an entry, I only got a chance to start coding friday and I don''t know if I''ll be done on time (for anyone interested its an online multiplayer space combat game with several modes of play like deathmatch, ctf, prey and team variants)
I HOPE I can game''s frustrating me right now. I should have it done though, it''s a cool pacman clone.

______________Martin EstevaolpSoftware
Sounds interesting, but I doubt I have time. Anyway, what''s the URL? <br><br>
Umm, the GDNet SpriteLib Contest...

Admin for

SpriteLib isn''t any good
Whether or not SpriteLib is commercial quality art is not the objective of the contest.


Admin for

I''m having trouble getting Shaolin to run. It''s apparently a VB app, but it''s messing up at load-time. Am I the only one?

The rest of the games are working for me. Great work, folks!

(my byline from the Gamedev Collection series, which I co-edited) John Hattan has been working steadily in the casual game-space since the TRS-80 days and professionally since 1990. After seeing his small-format games turned down for what turned out to be Tandy's last PC release, he took them independent, eventually releasing them as several discount game-packs through a couple of publishers. The packs are actually still available on store-shelves, although you'll need a keen eye to find them nowadays. He continues to work in the casual game-space as an independent developer, largely working on games in Flash for his website, The Code Zone ( His current scheme is to distribute his games virally on various web-portals and widget platforms. In addition, John writes weekly product reviews and blogs (over ten years old) for from his home office where he lives with his wife and daughter in their home in the woods near Lake Grapevine in Texas.

Yeah Shaolin Soldier didn''t work for me either, but then I only have DirectX 6.? . Glad to hear that the rest should work.


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