
Hasbro!!!!! WHAT THE F**K!!!!

Started by April 20, 2000 03:56 PM
3 comments, last by Kosh 24 years, 4 months ago
hi everyone. Is there anyone else out there really panicking about what hasbro have just achieved, I know I am. I am a bedroom programmer, typical games that I wanna create and well, I have already just created my own space invaders, that I am calling Zargadia. It''s an evolution on space invaders that includes powerups, new weapons, etc, etc, you can imagine what I am trying to do. Until recently, I was going to go open source and GPL the game, no, I am not jumping on any bloody bandwagon, I am an avid linux user and have been for 5 years now, so I understand why linux and open source/gpl is so popular and therefore, I dont think I should be liable for any bandwagon jumping replies. My reasons was that I wasnt going to make any profit, it was going on my demo disk that I would send to prospective employers. So I had nothing to lose from making it all open and publically accessible. That would be my repayment to the society and community (that''d be you) that helped me to get into the position that I was in now. Therefore, I would be helping others to get where I am today. However, I was prompted by a friend to try and get the game published. I thought, well, hell, that would increase my chances of employment (being published author and applying for a job, well, you can imagine it would give me an advantage). So, I chanced it, got in touch with Andre at Xtreme Games and he replied to me telling me to send a copy in and if it''s great and they love me, I''ll get a contract and we''ll all be happy. Ok, I admit this would go against being open and all that, but I am in the process of asking what kind of open policy they would allow in giving me a contract, would I still be allowed to open parts or all of my code up? These are still unresolved questions, so please, dont ask about that, well, you can, all, I am able to tell you is that I dont know yet, but will tell you when I find out. DISASTER!!!! Hasbro settle out of court with the alledgedly naughty companies. This means that they will cease trading in all games that infringe the copyrights, also, hasbro are free to peruse their stocks of games, telling them to cease trading in any game that they feel they have been wronged by. I''m sorry, to anyone who hates swearing, but WHAT THE FUCK!!! So, now, I still plan to ask Xtreme about that contract, but my game almost certainly comes into the category of "infrigement". If Xtreme dont fight, they might go out of business, cause they are mainly made up of clones or evolutions of old ideas, that are coded by people wanting to get into the industry. That doesnt mean that they are all blatent copiers, some games are new in idea, or concept, but the majority are not. To me, there is nothing wrong with this, copying a concept of a style is ok with me and I think many people are ok with that as well (John Carmack would not be pleased with unreal or anyone else then should he? I thought he didnt care?) We NEEDED GT Interactive to fight... AND WIN, we needed the people with the big bucks to take on Hasbro and succeed in telling them to, quoting WWF''s The Rock, "Shine up your lawsuit real nice, turn it sideways, and shove it up, your candy ass!!". But what do they do? QUIT!!!! DAMMIT!!! Well anyway, here we are, most of us down in the dumps, cause our future looks bleak and desparate, will someone fight for us, cause I would, if I had the strengh to take on these people, but I dont. So this is a plea. No, this is me on my knees begging. WILL SOMEONE STAND UP AGAINST THESE PEOPLE AND TELL THEM THEY ARE WRONG, THEY WERE ALWAYS WRONG AND THAT THEY WILL NEVER WIN!!!! please? signed by Kosh (
if understanding it made and born with time, then time, is understandings greatest enemy.....
quote: Original post by Kosh
signed by Kosh (

you first
Is Me
well, thats the problem aint it, what can I do? perhaps I can mount a petition that can be signed by everyone, but what good would that do to a company hellbent on destroying our lives ?

if understanding it made and born with time, then time, is understandings greatest enemy.....
A petition? Have you looked around here at the other threads regarding this lawsuit, or other activities going on? Have a look at the Green Ribbon Campaign.

Also, read that huge thread here on the same topic. I''d suggest carefully reading both sides of the argument before deciding what your stance is.

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