
Cakewalk users please help me!!!

Started by April 17, 2000 10:48 PM
4 comments, last by paulcoz 24 years, 4 months ago
If you use Cakewalk to record music, please answer this: After you have added a MIDI track in Cakewalk (either by recording or entering the music via the staff), is it possible to playback the track in Cakewalk through an external keyboard AND feed what is output from the keyboard during playback back into a Cakewalk audio track. eg. play your MIDI track in Cakewalk through the keyboard (so that the voices of the keyboard are used) and then record that sound as an audio track in Cakewalk at the same time. Thanks, Paulcoz. I forgot to mention this relates to either Home Studio or Pro Audio!! Edited by - paulcoz on 4/18/00 2:31:40 AM
Huh. Never tried that. Can''t you just grab a MIDI patch off the ''net for your keyboard type?

As for feeding it through, you can shut down to a single track, feed it out to your keyboard through your MIDI cable, but to get the audio the way you want it you will have to put your keyboard on the line in, because if you use the MIDI feed it will just map back to whatever you had in the first place, or closest guess if you changed the voice.

Note: audio recordings on top of MIDI songs of any length are going to be big. Much bigger than the MIDI song itself.

~ The opinions stated by this individual are the opinions of this individual and not the opinions of her company, any organization she might be part of, her parrot, or anyone else. ~
Hi felisandria,

What is the MIDI patch you mentioned? What does it do?

Were you saying that what I suggested might work eg. output MIDI from a Cakewalk track via MIDI out to my keyboard, then feed the keyboard output back into Cakewalk as audio via Line in?

I am tearing my hair out here - All I am trying to do is record some music (obviously as audio so I can use the sounds on my keyboard) but I also need MIDI to fix timing, mistakes etc..


Edited by - paulcoz on 4/18/00 6:35:47 PM
The patch will likely be in the form of a SoundFont for your sound card. ".sf2" is the common format. Look for SoundFont in a search engine, or go to
for a list of several. You should be able to find your particular keyboard, or one that will be a suitable replacement.

In Cakewalk use the SoundFonts/Instruments options to configure your sound fonts, then simply switch the Controller and Bank in your track configuration to use the Soundfont.
eDA explained the patch thing for me. Note that this patch will not be on other people''s computers unless you force them to use it, and will not be recognized by DMusic. It''s just for your listening enjoyment.

Yes, the MIDI-out-line-in will work. Cautionary note that the resulting audio will be really big compared to a normal MIDI file because you''re more or less saving a .WAV synched to your MIDI. Same concept as plugging your keyboard''s line out into your stereo and taping it.

~ The opinions stated by this individual are the opinions of this individual and not the opinions of her company, any organization she might be part of, her parrot, or anyone else. ~
Me again,

I really need to do that MIDI-out-line-in thingy. That way I can fix up my tracks with MIDI (timing, wrong notes etc..) and then put the audio resulting from the keyboard during MIDI playback back into Cakewalk.

Getting back to the size of the audio recordings - Do you think it will be necessary to have a SCSI hard drive to transfer these large quantities of data, or should an IDE drive be adequate?

Thanks a lot for helping me out,

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