
Scripting languages

Started by April 09, 2000 07:09 AM
15 comments, last by Muzzafarath 24 years, 5 months ago
I think of it this way:

Scripting Language - This is a type of language that is meant to run scripts for another application. This means that it will not work unless run by the application the script was written for (unless another application uses the same scripting language).

Programming Languages - This is a type of language that is meant to run programs on a specific type of processor. Meaning you can distrubute the program created without any need for another application to run it.

The trick comes in with languages like Java. It produces code that cannot be ran without a Java VM (on your computer anyways). However, Java is a programing language because it produces (byte) code that is meant to be run on a Java computer (this was the original plan; it would be run on consumer appliances). Just because Java was made to be emulator friendly (ie. Java Virtual Machines really emulate the Java computer) does not mean that Java is not a programming language.
quote: Original post by genovov

Hmmm, you''re right, it is a tricky matter. Perhaps SiCrane is closer to the ''correct'' definition. However, the Python compiler is writen in almost 100% Python code, but the
- genovov

Uh, what?

Python is 100% C code. Think you need to get yer facts straight here. You might think that the compiler is written in python, but in fact, python is nothing more than a thin wrapper around C. Thus why programmers find great speed in prototyping with it, at least I do.

My understanding (which may be flawed) is that the python VM is C code, but that the compiler and the majority of the modules are written in python. The fact that that python code eventually calls C functions in the VM seemed irrelevant as far as SiCrane''s real vs. toy language criterion was concerned.

I appologize if I''m totally off base here. Off to to find out

- genovov
Don't get all wrapped up in the formalities. Scripting languages are in effect, programming lanuages. Sometimes it makes since not to hard code every possible element of a game into the executable. The executable would be extremely large. and the executable will have to either be patched or re-compiled for new features to be added. To prevent this, programmers started using scripts. Scripts are non-machine readable "add-ons". Atleast, this is how it is most commonly refered to as in game programming discussion. Scripts can be writting using anything. C/C++ could be used as a scripting language, eventhough I feel C is too general to make a good one.

All programming languages and subsets of them can be used as scripts. Some languages are referred to as script langauges, because scripting is there primary purpose.

Also, all interpreted languages can be considered scripts for the executable. Executables can be considered scripts for the OS, and so on.

Any language that was made for scripting can be compiled into native machine code.


Edited by - Domini on 4/11/00 1:36:23 PM
Better Definition.

Scripts are code that tells other programs what to do. Eventhough I think most people consider scripts non-machine readable "add-ons", the new def is a safer one.

Scripting language source files are interpreted by another program or they''re compiled and the compiled file is interpreted by other programs. "Programming languages" source files are interpreted by the CPU after compilation.

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I tend to lean towards SiCrane''s definition by purpose.

Scripting languages tend to describe a set of actions for another controlling application to run through while a programming language would be used to create the controlling application.

The line is definately blurred, as I''ve seen scripting languages like VBScript abused to create some fairly complex applications.


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