
Good games?

Started by March 29, 2000 02:06 PM
2 comments, last by fuzzyai 24 years, 5 months ago
i recently (today) discovered a computer/video game store very near my house.. previously i''d have to go a little ways to get to one, and being that i have no car, i couldn''t get there much.. but anyway, here''s my question: what are some good computer games that are a few years old? (they have a large ''budget pc game'' section, with some good games in it like fallout.. just wondering if anyone could suggest some i should look for) thanks
I just bought Mechwarrior 3 for $19.99...definitely worth the money!
I just bought HalfLife at Best Buy last week for $19 (plus a $10 rebate!), so that game may be getting cheap at other places too. (and of course it is sweet)

Edited by - bcj on 3/29/00 5:23:55 PM
Blizzard is offering packages at a wonderful you can get Starcraft(one of the better games ever made) with brood war(a really cool addition to one of the games ever made) and like the battle net package, all for like 40 not sure of the specific price, but i know its a hell of a lot less than i payed for it.

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