
looking for a good car site and forum

Started by March 27, 2000 12:00 PM
1 comment, last by Densun 24 years, 5 months ago
Does anyone know of a bulletin board about general car topics that''s as good as this one? I''m also looking for a good general car site. --- "Don''t let school get in the way of your education." -Mark Twain
Ok, it's not "general" but it's about the best car ever built, the Toyota Supra (no, the fact that I own one doesn't mean I'm biased in any way!)

(no, not my car. mine is red)
don't be put off by its home page, it has a link to a forum about cars in general. i only went there a few times, but and the general discussion was about high peformance cars, but i probably was going to the "supercar" forum, there are many forums on this site..
i've never been there (ok i went right now to see if the URL worked!), but i know of its existence. if you like corvettes, this might suit you
This is one of my bookmarks (this url has pics of wrecked cars). I think it's a general car site, with a slant towards Mustangs

Let me know of any good sites you fall upon

Hmmm - why won't the url tags work? I've used them hundreds of times before... maybe it's because I mixed HTML with the forum tags?

Edited by - foofightr on 3/27/00 1:46:20 PM

Edited by - foofightr on 3/27/00 1:46:37 PM
Why the hell''d you stick that great big image there, it''s a real pain (esp. if you have a slow download, not me!)


"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"

George. F"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"

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