
Anyone tried out WildTangents WebDriver yet?

Started by March 25, 2000 11:49 PM
2 comments, last by NuffSaid 24 years, 5 months ago
Hi, I''m just curious to know whether anyone has tried out WildTangents web driver yet? From the interview with Alex St. John on Firingsquad, I think this is supposed to rival DirectX. The games on showcase look ok, but they''re not that impressive. To those of you guys who have checked it out, what do you think? Is it really going to replace DX?
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No, it''s definitely not replacing DirectX, just because DirectX is something completely different. The Web Driver caused exceptions on my computer here, so I couldn''t test it.

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Skullpture Entertainment
Graphix Coding @Skullpture Entertainment
I''ve looked into it a bit, from what I can tell it looks like it''s interfacing with RM. At least the code sure looks like RM to me.

-Now Working on Pokemon like Engine!
-Now Working on Pokemon like Engine!
it''s not rm. it''s using it''s own scene-graph technology.

you should check out the gamedriver for some impressive stuff.

both can be used for standalone development. the gamedriver has a native sdk (no com crud to go through), but the webdriver has to be accessed through extensive com work.
Creativity is a bloody nuisance and an evil curse that will see to it that you die from stress and alcohol abuse at a very early age, that you piss off all your friends, break appointments, show up late, and have this strange bohemian urge (you know that decadent laid-back pimp-style way of life). The truly creative people I know all live lousy lives, never have time to see you, don't take care of themselves properly, have weird tastes in women and behave badly. They don't wash and they eat disgusting stuff, they are mentally unstable and are absolutely brilliant. (k10k)

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