
VB and Macs probably the worst things in the world!

Started by March 25, 2000 10:23 AM
17 comments, last by MuffinKnight 24 years, 5 months ago
They suck like old sockmonkeys okay SOCKMONKEYS!!! "Don't Blame us, blame yourself or God" FFT
"Don't Blame us, blame yourself or God" FFT
I agree that Macs suck ass, but I disagree with your statement about VB sucking ass. With DX7 support, I can now make any game you can in C++

Solenoid Software Interactive
Shinryuu64Solenoid Software Interactive
Please stop being complete idiots. Ive done more on my G4 then eiter of you will ever do.

Moderator, please close this obvious flame-bait, really immature there Muffin, almost as stupid as your geek/nerd posts....moron

All I have to say is that there are different comps for different people. From what I''ve seen, MACS seem to be used a lot when it comes to digital art and such. I don''t really like MACS, but then again I grew up using DOS/Windows, so maybe that''s why.
"If at first you don't succeed... destroy all evidence of ever trying"
I agree that macs are soft. But windows, and now linux are emulating macs OS and are becoming more "user friendly" (read: soft). I long for the old days typing away on monochrome monitors, programming in assembler, and slaughtering a cow whenever I wanted a hamburger. The old days when men were men and sheep were scared
Damn Firahs! Don''t start a flame war just because I dislike Macintosh. Maybe you should respect other people''s opinions! You like Macintosh, and I don''t flame YOU for liking it. I''ll say it again! In my opinion, Macintosh sucks!! That''s my opinion. You can''t force me to like Macintosh. You might dislike Windows, but I don''t give a rat''s ass. We all have our tastes.

Solenoid Software Interactive
Shinryuu64Solenoid Software Interactive
MuffinKnight, can you please stop hanging around in the Gdnet Lounge and posting these really idiotic messages about nerds, macs, vb, etc.? Why don''t you try answering questions (or asking them) ABOUT GAME DEVELOPMENT sometimes? If you want to make boring conversation and chat, go get AOL. No offense to anyone who uses AOL, I used to have it.

______________Martin EstevaolpSoftware
Damn Firahs! Don''t start a flame war just because I dislike Macintosh. Maybe you should respect other people''s opinions!

he wasnt starting a flamewar you fucking moron. the flamewar started with the post above yours.

"Tell brave deeds of war."
Then they recounted tales, -- "There were stern stands And bitter runs for glory."

Ah, I think there were braver deeds.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My signature, without me, is useless. Without my signature, I am useless.
MuffinKnight - that's your opinion! Don't be so annoying and keep disrespectful opinions like that to yourself! You're not improving this board with these annoying messages! You're only pissing other people off.

shinryuu - MuffinKnight is annoying! He posts (almost literally) 1 nerd thread a day, everyday, and the people here are getting sick of it. He wasn't trying to start a flamewar- he was speaking for just about every regular who comes to these boards and posts.

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)

Edited by - Fredric on 3/25/00 7:17:29 PM
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Hey einstein, i dont think i started the flame war, nor am i forcing you to like anything. But your defensiveness shows me that:
A) you''ve never used a mac.
B) you''re just a little kid with too much time.
C) both A and B
D) you''ve used a mac and you dont like it.
E) both B and(non-exclusive) D.

Now if you''ve actually used a mac and didnt like it(D for those at home keeping score), sure, your opinion is valid. Consequently if that is also the case then you would not be flaming on a game development message board.

Alright, so lets cross D off our list. This leaves us with A, B, C, and E.

Now lets entertain E. E will be possible only if B is possible. Hmm, by your post, one can inferr that B is probably true, but we can be sure unless we get rid of A and C. Wow, this is tough. I guess A being true would allow B to also be true, in fact, it may be a strong argument to prove B being true. Ok, so now A and B thus C, looks like that could be you...oh but now E can also be true. Ill play devil''s advocate and say that E is true, and that you actually have used a macintosh and arent just another pee cee weenie. So i guess the moral of the story is to just grow up, and that goes to you too MuffinKnight, i dont have anything personal against you(hell, i dont even know you). Just please dont flame the message board, everyone thinks that is retarded.

And i like my NT machine just as much as my mac. I like to program for macintosh because i find that codewarrior for that environment is the most powerful tool ive ever used. And i like some of the software that works on windows.

I also use and program linux, and BSD, and Be...havent touched OS/2 yet But i hear its ahead of its time which is why it isnt too popular yet. I may install it some time.

So im not your stereotypical "cant point-and-click their way out of a paper bag" mac user.

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