

Started by March 25, 2000 10:15 AM
7 comments, last by PsYcHoPrOg 24 years, 5 months ago
Ok, I''ve seen some support of macs several times in these forums. I just want to, finally, put up a post to let everyone express their thoughts on macs. Mine are: MACS SUCK! THEY CAN''T DO ANYTHING! How can you live with an OS that does everything for you!? YOU CAN''T! Bottom line... I HATE MACS!!!! "Remember, I'm the monkey, and you're the cheese grater. So no messing around." -Grand Theft Auto, London "It's not whether I win or lose, as long as I piss you off" -Morrigan, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Actually, MACs are a great OS for artist.....they have some of the best art tools I''ve seen. Go into a computer art company (logos, shirts, whatever), and you''ll probably find more MACs than PCs.

"When people tell you they want to hear the truth, you know that their lying."
Ooh, look. More flamebait in an attempt to start another tedious platform flamewar.

(my byline from the Gamedev Collection series, which I co-edited) John Hattan has been working steadily in the casual game-space since the TRS-80 days and professionally since 1990. After seeing his small-format games turned down for what turned out to be Tandy's last PC release, he took them independent, eventually releasing them as several discount game-packs through a couple of publishers. The packs are actually still available on store-shelves, although you'll need a keen eye to find them nowadays. He continues to work in the casual game-space as an independent developer, largely working on games in Flash for his website, The Code Zone ( His current scheme is to distribute his games virally on various web-portals and widget platforms. In addition, John writes weekly product reviews and blogs (over ten years old) for from his home office where he lives with his wife and daughter in their home in the woods near Lake Grapevine in Texas.

I don''t like Macs, but they are NOT worthless! As Cloxs said, Macs are great for artists. What I really dislike with Macs are that only Apple can make Macs (okay, there ARE Mac clones, but the clones have to be approved by Apple).

/. Muzzafarath
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
Im not going to replay to this post....damn, just did, but i wont argue, ill just tell you that you a moron, and to go find a high building and fly like a bird.

Do you realize that if i said that PC''s suck, then i would be banned from this message board. *pokes moderator with a stick* (btw, i like my nt4 machine)

quote: Original post by johnhattan
Ooh, look. More flamebait in an attempt to start another tedious platform flamewar.

Umm... Then why didn''t you lock the thread?

My only beef with Macs right now (OTHER than the iMac keyboard and mouse) is their networking.

I''m a printer! I''m a printer! I''m a printer!

(If you don''t know what I''m talking about, be glad.)
Why cant everyone just accept that different computers are good at different things.. both PC and MAC have their good and bad parts.. so no one is better than the other one.
And thats the facts!

Btw. When i was around 12 years old and had a Amiga i said that the PC, and the mac suck, then i got a Pc and said that PC where better than Amiga and Mac. Now i own a P3 600 and is a little bit older than 12 years and hopefully just a little smarter and have realized that different computers are good at different things (dejavu), so please everyone stop critizising others computers and do some usefull work instead or grow up.. like i did!!
I''m not the only one who hates MAC''s see YES YES i''m not only one outthere

"Don't Blame us, blame yourself or God"

"Don't Blame us, blame yourself or God" FFT
Macs are cool! You just (probably) don''t have one, that''s why you''re saying that your PC is better than a MAC! My dad is a graphic artist, and does he use a PC? Nope! He uses a MAC because they''re simply better for graphics.
But then again.. for anything else, I''d probably use a PC.

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!

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