
How to get Beta Test Feedback

Started by July 19, 2002 05:31 PM
9 comments, last by garraeth 22 years, 1 month ago
This question is for all those out there who have run successful beta tests. How do you get your testers to give you feedback?? Noone gives me any feedback. Granted, I''ve only had about 1500 downloads. Is it just a numbers thing? And 1500 is too low to get any serious tester? Heh, you can tell I''m frustrated Thanks! --Dean Higginbotham
Make it obvious that you want feedback. And then make it obvious *and* easy how to do that. Maybe a big "Report Bug" button on the main screen, that just triggers a mailto link.

Samu Games
I think the key to get some feedback is a good forum on your website
Darkhaven Beta-test stage coming soon.
I would recommend finding a few dedicated testers if you can, although I'm sure it's not that easy. But having 3-5 dedicated testers who you can chat on AIM with and who'll play your game for hours on end is a lot better than 1,500 random people who play your game once or twice and then get bored and erase it. Getting a lot of people to download it would be a good way to test system compatibility, but I don't know how helpful it would be for real beta testing (finding bugs and stuff).

[edited by - FenixDown on July 19, 2002 10:41:39 PM]

I''m in the same boat, luckily I''ve managed to rope some of my friends into doing some testing and I''ve found one other guy on the net that is interested.

But I was also thinking that a little swaperoony would be a neat idea.

I''ll do yours if you do mine

Contact me if you interested, I can spare a few hours I''m sure...

--------------------------Dreamstars 3: A space combat game with depth?!
quote: Original post by Cahaan
I think the key to get some feedback is a good forum on your website

Thanks for the tons of feedback!

I have been thinking about putting a forum up, but I worry that because the forum is empty, other visitors to the site will think the program is ghetto and the site is dead...what do you all think?

Thanks again!
Are you doing shareware, freeware or open source? If you''re doing freeware or open source getting feedback should be no more difficult than having an interesting game and setting up visible feedback channels as others have suggested. If you''re doing shareware you might get better results by giving beta testers a free copy of the full game. If I download a shareware game that''s less than satisfactory I do not give feedback, I simply delete it.
I find getting feedback to be hard too. However, since I started to request on every relevent page of my web site, Ive started to get some. I think sometimes, you just have to hammer it home.

Spectre Software - RPGs, strategy, puzzle games, programming
“If you try and please everyone, you won’t please anyone.”
I have just drunk a bottle of wine so feel free to ignore this suggestion as it is probablt not too good. How about making a special beta version which plays X level and then pops up a screen asking the user to fill in their feedback before getting to play the next X number of levels. I know this might bug them a bit but they are playing a beta test version not a demo or shareware game. The object is to beta test it.

Some/many will send in rubbish but the rest may send something useful.

I will almost certainly post a retraction for this message when I sober up.

Dan Marchant
Obscure Productions
Dan Marchant - Business Development Consultant
Hey gang, I totally forgot about this post and posted again on the same topic, what a dope!. Anyway I have a 1MB (yep its THAT small) game that I need beta feedback on, If any of you guys have a fairly small game and want to trade beta opinions (gotta be small coz im on 56k) just mail me at and we can swap apps.
It IS frustrating not to get enough beta feedback!

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