

Started by March 18, 2000 05:34 PM
3 comments, last by Blah! 24 years, 6 months ago
Is the DX SDK included with Windows Game Proggraming Gurus or will I have to download that humungous file?
"End Communication!", Kang from Rigel-4
you can install the SDK off of the cd that comes with the book.
My HomepageSome shoot to kill, others shoot to mame. I say clear the chamber and let the lord decide. - Reno 911
I''m almost perfectly sure that it comes on the cd. I don''t have the book, but Lamothe''s other book,"Windows Game Programming for Dummies," comes with the DirectX SDK.

______________Martin EstevaolpSoftware
it comes with dx5, but you should probably download 7 anyways
actually, it comes with the DirectX 6.1 SDK, which while not the latest release (2nd to latest, actually), it should still be plenty adequate.. except for Direct3D, which is improved drastically with every new version of the SDK.

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