

Started by March 18, 2000 02:58 PM
-1 comments, last by Strife 24 years, 6 months ago
Have any of you guys played that TI-85/86 game Hicquest? In case you haven''t, here''s the jist of the game: you go around looking for fights to get money so you can buy booze so you can get a BAC of 100%. It''s quite a bit of fun (almost as addicting as Drugwars ). Anyway, the reason I''m asking is because I was considering making a PC port of it, complete with graphics and I wanted to know if you guys think this is a good idea. Of course, I want to finish all of my other projects I''m working on first (or at least get an alpha/beta version out), and that might be a while (I''m working on a DX lib, a GDI lib, and a game similar to Asteroids called ''Roids ). Anyway, just tell me what you think. If you code it, they will come... Commander M

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