
Idea, proposal, and more productive than the giant thread...

Started by March 17, 2000 07:44 PM
0 comments, last by Potsticker 24 years, 6 months ago
I''m sure most of us have read through at least part of that monster, and Akura said something I found interesting, and I think would make a great little exercise for people on gamedev, and help share ideas, and well, be generally a good thing for everyone. In his last post he challenged someone to build some sort of game within a certain set of guidelines etc... Well, except for the fact that it was meant to be more of a glove slap across the face, this could easily be converted into a productive thing for the members of this board. Basically, it would be a game, for people to make games, with some basic rules, and here are my suggestions, but please post if you are interested. 1) There will be a set of criteria all games must fulfill. This is so we are all working in a similar, area, or concept 2) A limited time to produce the game. I''d suggest a week at most. 3) 100% open source project. Other than that, you can do what you want. So for akura''s example we''d all be required to make a 2d game that you shot asteroids. I''m not saying that''s the one we should do, but just that it would be a pretty general concept, and we''d all make games based on that concept release the source code. Oh yeah, and at the end we will vote on the winner. Maybe have a few categories like, 1) Most obfuscated code (for better or worse) 2) Most readable code 3) Most fun game 4) best looking game 5) Least prone to run longer than 5 seconds game etc.... Does anybody think this would be a good idea?
Not really. When one has to actually implement the game, the design is hindered in how interesting it can be. I can design grotesque monsters with 4 eyes, but as I can''t draw, they won''t look like much. This is an interesting game design challenge, but I''m afraid most of the people who attempt it would not be capable of creating anything beyond, using Akura''s challenge, Asteroids.

The purpose of the exercise would be great in several cases. It could be extremely good in taking an old game and trying to update it. For instance, one would have to look at the old game and understand the design decisions that were made. Then, in the design of the new game, one would have to decide whether or not those old decisions still apply. By doing this, we can sort of force people into looking a games in a context more than just a playable entity.

Also, it would be a great exercise for thinking outside the box. Every time you give 10 people the same criteria, it is always interesting to see how you get 10 completely unique ideas. It is like the robot sports at MIT. They give a bunch of parts to engineering students, and out pops many different unique robots, from those same parts.

I like the idea. I hope someone implements it. But I think limited it to people how can complete a project wouldn''t really help anyone. Sort of like the game design contest on the site. You can only make games with this predefined set of art. You want to make a bug eyed monster? It has to be in the art. I understand why the contest did that, but in this instance, I don''t think it has the same desired affect.

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