
Your favorite game story

Started by June 18, 2002 08:53 PM
74 comments, last by llvllatrix 22 years, 1 month ago
I feel that Half-Life''s story, in itself, wasn''t exceptional. The thing that made it so incredibly brilliant was the way they told it.

mlylecarlin: aww, I sense bitterness...

- saving pigs from untimely fates
- sleeps in a ham-mock at

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

quote: Original post by ThoughtBubble
Has to be Soul Blazer. I like the premise, I like the evolution, I like the ending.

I could never figure out why that game wasn''t more popular. Good old memories...

Yeah, deus ex would be understandably popular, especially with all those filler books and newspapers.

I''m going to throw in kings quest, as isolated as some of the events are, most of the games, the middle ones anyway, stayed true to a story book feel.
Blade Runner
Quest for Glory IV
-----Jonas Kyratzes - writer, filmmaker, game designerPress ALT + F4 to see the special admin page.
How many of you have ever heard of terranigma? Only two other people i know have played it.

The wierd thing about it is that you will regret beating it after you do. That is what makes it good. Wierd, but the best story i have ever played.
Fallout Series, Dune series

World, spinning silently,
Thinking its end, it looks too nearly,
Wars and wars, pollution,
Tales and tales, there is no solution.

EpiC The Fantastic Writer
Terranigma was good, ever play illusion of gaia? It''s supposidly some kind of informal triology along with soul blazer. Though I only played a few minutes worth way back when.
Maniac Mansion
I''m a vegitarian, not because I love animals, but because I hate plants.
FFVII is the game that made me want to work in the Gamming industry. Every aspect of that game I loved!! And I have been working for it ever sense then, and Im only 16 now, cant remember how long ago it was, I think 5 years ago? And then a game that came out later, that inspired me even more, it was kind of a sleeper, I dont think it really got noticed, it was for dreamcast, Guts rage, bazerker sword, it had a very compelling story.

Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana (back then, it wasn''t even cliché)
Final Fantasy VII
Is it just me or were some story elements that were used in ff6 reused in ff7?

They r both great stories though...some of the best "vacations" ive ever had. Earthbound was good too.

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