"Project SpaceVille" Devlog #3 - Insider Programme

Published July 05, 2017

Hello, everyone! :D

Just as we promised last week, we're here and back for more!


We have big news for you today!

Today we'll be launching the "Project SpaceVille" Insider Programmer soon.

This will be be a community effort, so we'd like everyone to join us in making "Project SpaceVille" the best game possible!


Why are we doing this?

Well, we need to see if you enjoy playing our game.

We want to hear your opinions and ideas!


How do I apply?

All you have to do is send a message to our Facebook or send us an email at faximegames@gmail.com, with the access key “SPACEVILLE-AP” and we'll do the rest! :D


When to apply?

Now! (laughs)

Whenever you feel like as long as the Insider Programme is still running.

But we advise that you do it as soon as possible, as there is a limit number of testers.


When does it start?

Our alpha will be release soon during this summer.


What will I have access to?

We will give you a platform in our website where you can post feedback, ideas, share opinions with other testers!

And of course You will have access to the alpha build of the game!

We have something special for the alpha testers after the game is released as well! ;)


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Until next time,



Check out our Facebook page at: 


Panfeleto (English).jpg

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