
Upcoming Unofficial GameDev Competition

Started by July 21, 2013 10:25 PM
130 comments, last by jbadams 10 years ago

I am very interested, i think i may partake.

I'm interested in competing, but non-committedly so. smile.png


I can judge too, if needed. Will monitor this and lend help/ideas where I can

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

Great, thanks everyone. Keep the responses and feedback coming!

I'll be PMing people about judging this weekend, probably.

[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]
I'm game. It'll be interesting for me to try my hand. :-)
That date is workable for me i think(although i'd have to check the exact date i'm moving). should the theme potentially be announced a day(or 2) early, just so people can have time to think up ideas? I know we have a week, but it'd be nice to jump into that week fully ready, rather than a day or so wasted on thinking up an idea.
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That date is workable for me i think(although i'd have to check the exact date i'm moving). should the theme potentially be announced a day(or 2) early, just so people can have time to think up ideas? I know we have a week, but it'd be nice to jump into that week fully ready, rather than a day or so wasted on thinking up an idea.

While I wouldn't be opposed to people thinking of ideas with the theme in mind, that doesn't really make it a 7 day competition anymore as someone can just start working/developing immediately the day the theme is announced. I need some way of trying to make sure people only have 168 hours (7 days) to make a game, and the only way I can think of doing that is withholding the theme.

[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]

Can I repurpose art and code from my previous (and ongoing) projects?

Repurposing art might be a little unfair, but I don't think existing (code-library not gameplay) code would harm anything.

Can I repurpose art and code from my previous (and ongoing) projects?

Repurposing art might be a little unfair, but I don't think existing (code-library not gameplay) code would harm anything.

Existing code libraries and engines may be used, whether or not they were made by you (but games or game logic may not be). As for art... I'm not sure. A part of me wants art to be original (and made during the 7 days), but at the same time, I don't think I'll have require audio to be made/composed during the 7 days... My current thinking is that 2D and 3D art must be made during the 7 days, but audio is not restricted. Thoughts on this?

[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]

My current thinking is that 2D and 3D art must be made during the 7 days, but audio is not restricted. Thoughts on this?

Seems a bit unfair don't you think? There is always free graphics, sound, and music for the inexperiencd. And if you're experienced enough to make your own assets then I would think it would take roughly the same amount of time to create graphics or music.

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